Jump Street Podcast #36 - Jon Julio

“Jon Julio has been cooking on something special for the THEM brand over the past few months. Jon introduces the 909 model which is a groundbreaking achievement in the blading world. He discusses what triggered the move to having a new mold, the process and struggles in designing it with Kyle Sola, and also touches on the new changes to the Blading Cup Series! This weeks episode is proudly sponsored by THEM! Jon Julio is making some serious updates to the company by introducing their new 909 skate which is likely the first truly skater made and owned mold of its kind. Follow THEM to check out the process of 909 and stay tuned for its official launch in 2020!” - JSP

Also, be sure to check out the new VOD! “INDEPENDENT” was produced to raise money to cover the incurred and future costs of product development. Be sure to check out all 4 variants now.