Tom Moyse: Nil Jansons Storm Best Roces Rollerblader?

“Nils Jansons has netted himself the first ever signature pro rollerblade collection in the Roces Fifth Element and Roces M12 skates. The bloke is an absolute credit to rollerblading. He’s been doing it for over 20 years and is astonishingly consistent. His skating is so clean and technically sound that he makes hammers look deceivingly easy. Don’t let that appearance distract you from the sheer scale of the bangers he’s dropped in this promo. I admire what Nils has created. He’s built on top of his skating and encompassed other complimentary interests. He has his Youtube channel, which is full of great content, he’s has his own protein powder and he runs his own In-line skate school. Nils is a great role model not just for those coming up but also other pros as an example of how to use your platform to explore additional avenues. Nice one Nils.”
- Tom Moyse