Blading Camp 2020 Official After Video

“2020 Came and went fast! Against all odds and in a 'World Pandemic,' Passion came out to be the winner. The word "Grateful" doesn't express enough the feeling we have to each and everyone of our riders/parents/partners who supported their loved one in joining us this year. The most received message this year was "Please whatever you do, don't cancel the camp, I/my son or daughter needs this now more than ever!" We listened to the request.

And like Magic, most of Europe/UK after being in Quarantine for over 90 days straight, July 1st the Boarders opened up and 12 days later 20 passionate riders of all ages, races and styles landed in Malaga for the best week of their lives. And you can be it was.

We successfully made 3 camp weeks during the 2020 Season. Against all odds and anxieties of the world we hosted over 80 riders from 15 countries here in Spain. We went above and beyond the "recommended Safety Protocol" to ensure the safety of each and everyone of our riders and staff. We had all our activities and meals in open air spaces. We supercharged the already Incredible Athletes’ diet with even more fresh fruits, smoothies and veggies to give everyone's immune system exactly what it needs to do it's work! We hired an even larger bus than necessary to give everyone extra space and we had 2 extra staff members just to handle the extra things to make sure we all stayed healthy and safe! This on top of the already 6 days of exercise in the beautiful Spanish sun drinking loads of water and having a non stop great time. We are pro’s at this.

WE can say proudly, Over 80 riders came and left healthier and happier than ever. 2020 Certainly marks our best year ever. At the same moment it was very hard for us, we still managed to improve the Camp Experience yet again By Inviting Joe Atkinson, Nils Jansons, Mery Munoz and Bomba Hache All joining us to teach and help us run the camps.

Happy to say that not even a world pandemic can stop this train. Passion is unstoppable.

2021 Dates and Open Registration in October! And dont forget. Each week only has space for the #lucky20 to sign up! And each year the weeks have sold out faster and faster, don't miss your opportunity to learn, laugh and live the blading camp experience! More info on the website.” - Blading Camp