Blader Union Visits ThisIsSoul Inline Skate Shop in Amsterdam

Video & Intro by Travis Stewart
After the dust had settled at Winterclash 2019, I headed into Amsterdam for a few days before going back home to the US. I made my way over to a hidden gem stowed right near downtown Amsterdam called This Is Soul Skateshop.

I spent the afternoon with Ivo Vegter talking skating vs blading, the logistics of creating a skateshop, building a skating culture and image, and skate schools. Ivo has been in business for 12 years, and located in his shop location for the last 7. Come with us through this 30 minute discussion on skate life in The Netherlands.

If you haven't already, give Ivo and This Is Soul a follow at the links below, and be sure to check out his shop when you are traveling through Europe or to 2020's Winterclash.