Blader Union

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USD 2017 Team Edit

Here it its, the 2017 USD Team edit! Street skating from all around the world (plus some very special vert action straight from Japan), all mashed up in a 9 minute monster of an online release.

Featuring: Eugen Enin

Fridolin Eelbo

Richie Eisler

Jacob Juul

Nick Lomax

Mery Muñoz

Carlos Bernal

Axel Bihagen

Daniel Goncharov

Jeff Dalnas

Jaro Frijn

Sam Crofts

Dano Gorman

Kuba Malecki

Randy Zoller

Roman Abrate

Montre Livingston

Justin Brasco

Takeshi Yasutoko

Diego Guilloud

Tomek Przybylik

Chris Farmer

Filmed by all of their pal´s.

Edited by Mark Heuss.

Meet the USD team at:

USD Team edit 2017 - USD Skates USD SKATES - 1997 - Present day. Two decades supporting scenes and skaters from all around the world. Releasing more molds than any other boot company in aggressive skating history, continually improving, adapting, and evolving with time, USD is on top of the game for this very reason. Keep your eyes out for continual growth, progression, and innovation from us here at USD: From Damocles to Aeon, from UFS Throne to Sway, from Legacy to Classic Throne, from Carbon to Realm, from Imperial to Carbon Free, from Psirus to S., from VII to Transformer, from Kids Thrones to Q.
