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Corey Gibson builds some awesome big wheel skates

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“My Seba FR1 325s were the first big wheel skate skate I ever bought. After getting my Twister Edge 110s a couple of years ago I've only ever reached for the Sebas a couple of times. I've also had Wizard Skate FOMO in recent years but never been willing to pull the trigger on $1200 skates. Instead I invested about $500 in NN Skates Ronin V.m rocker frames, Compass Chapel Hill 100mm wheels and Intuition V2 liners to give my Sebas a new lease on life.

Whether these skates are a true alternative to a complete Wizard setup I may never know. What I do know is they are a lot of fun just skating on flat ground. They are easier to turn than my Twisters set up as 3 x 110 but more stable than them on 4 x 80s. They also carry speed well being 100mm wheels. I was pleasantly surprised by the Compass wheels at carrying the speed I had as well as holding grip. They might not quite have the grip, roll and comfort of my favorite wheel, the Rollerblade Hydrogen, but they hold their own and are probably better suited to the type of skating this set-up is going to see.

This is not my first go around with Intuition liners. I have some in my Them 908s but these aftermarket ones are not the same. Still a very comfortable liner but the foam is a little different and the little grip dots they added for the Them version might be nice here to minimize the heel lift I am getting.

Overall this setup is a whole lot of fun and I hope to get these skates out for a few urban sessions this summer. Lets see what these babies can really do.” - Corey Gibson