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Seven Exercises to Make You a Better Skater with Shaun Unwin

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“These exercises are guaranteed to improve your skating. Suitable for experts, intermediate or beginner skaters. Timestamps and description of exercises below.” - Shaun Unwin
Filmed by Alex Co
Edited by Shaun Unwin


Exercise 1 - One skate, one shoe and play 0:37

This is the number one exercise to improve your skating. If you can master this you go from not just being a good skater but a great skater; the kind of skater that people will notice and say "that person knows what they are doing on skate."

Exercise 2 - One skate, one shoe, backwards 4:20

People often neglect backwards skating but it is so much fun. In fact, I would argue that our bodies are better built to skate backwards than forwards. Just like in the previous exercise this is the skill that will take you from beginner to beast.

Exercise 3 - Small wheel in the front 6:42

By removing or substituting the front will for a really small wheel we now are forced to skate on the back half of our foot. Being comfortable in this position is essential to becoming a competent city skater. Riding in this position is the fundamental position in city skating and if you can move freely in this position you can now enter the FLOW.

Exercise 4 - Predator slalom 8:47

Spend some time focusing your practice on slaloming in the predator position. This is great focused training to get your ready for the city.

Exercise 5 - One skate, one shoe and slalom 9:25

This exercise focuses on all our fundamentals balance, edging, rotation and weigh transfer in one exercise. A great exercise to help with muscle imbalances.

Exercise 6 - Lemon Cross 11:10

I use this exercise to focus on transferring from inside to outside edges. This move is a fundamental of slalom skating but its best application is creating more power in your stride.

Exercise 7 - Roller Squat 12:55

The roller squat is an essential body position for city skaters. Being able to get into this position will save you from a dramatic fall that would normally result in an injury.